NSC hosts Indonesian policy experts

Rizal Sukma and Phillips Vermonte with Professor Rory Medcalf
Image: NSC

On Wednesday 11 September, NSC hosted a roundtable with eminent Indonesian policy thinkers Dr Rizal Sukma, former Indonesian Ambassador to the United Kingdom, the former Head and now senior fellow at Indonesia’s Centre for International and Strategic Studies (CSIS) and Dr Phillips Vermonte, also the former head of CSIS and currently the Dean of Social Sciences at the Indonesian International Islamic University (IIIU) in Jakarta. The sweeping conversation, attended by senior members of NSC’s expert staff, looked at Indonesian foreign policy under the incoming Prabowo administration, Indonesia’s domestic settings, and what Australia can expect in the relationship. The discussion also covered the strategic complexities in the region and the role that Indonesia can play in the great power competition.

We are grateful for their thoughtful perspectives and extend our thanks to all participants for contributing to such an engaging and insightful discussion.

Dr Rizal Sukma with NSC experts
Image: NSC
Dr Rizal Sukma speaking at the roundtable
Dr Philips Vermonte speaking at the roundtable.
Image: NSC
Dr Pilips Vermonte speaking at the roundtable.