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The NSC Futures Hub is Australia’s centre of expertise in futures analysis. We are a whole-of-government and whole-of-nation resource, bringing together diverse voices, challenging ideas and robust ways of thinking, to help Australia’s public sector think about the future and make better decisions today.  

Our Futures Hub staff have extensive government experience across a variety of agencies, so we know what is relevant to policy makers and we understand how government operates. Our secure facilities and staff clearances allow for a high degree of freedom in discussing sensitive issues in a trusted environment. We work with individual teams, through to heads of departments, to provide support for tackling long-term, complex problems. And we support and guide the efforts of other foresight and futures professionals in government, through our training programs and community of practice, the APS Strategic Futures Network. 

We are multi-disciplinary, and our activities typically draw together experts from academia, industry and community groups, as well as government, to ensure a diversity of views. We connect the Australian government foresight community with leading futures thinkers, organisations and networks worldwide, and our Futures Council brings together preeminent future thinkers in Australia and abroad, as an advisory resource for government.  

What we offer

Futures workshops and roundtables

Identify and explore key trends, weak signals, and possible shocks for your organisation, to identify risks, develop strategy and test planning, using our proven Futures Hub methodologies 

Tabletop exercises, crisis simulations and wargames

Structured, tailored activities to help teams and leaders explore key risks, trade-offs, decision points and decision requirements, and test organisational processes and assumptions. Sensitive activities can be held at our secure facility, or your venue.   

Foresight advice

Tailored, relevant advice and assistance to government foresight practitioners and agencies establishing a foresight capability, based on our deep experience with government foresight and our network of experts. 

Reports and research

Researching future-focused topics for government, experimenting with novel approaches to foresight, connecting agencies with leading academic researchers and facilitating collaboration on complex policy problems.  

Tailored training programs

In addition to our public courses, we provide training to organisations on foresight, structured analysis and problem-solving – at your venue or ours, or online.  

NSC Futures Hub is not-for-profit and our charges are calculated on a cost-recovery basis.

Intricate Webs of Knowledge Navigating the Realm of Data Science and Analytical Exploration
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Join the Futures Network

The Futures Network is an Australian government foresight community of practice, coordinated by the Futures Hub.  Members use the network to seek advice, advertise opportunities, share resources and elicit ideas. The Network meets quarterly, usually online, along with occasional special events.

Eligibility criteria: 

All state or federal government employees (including military and emergency services) are eligible to join the Futures Network, as well as academics with a focus on government or foresight. Private sector futures practitioners are not eligible for membership, but may be invited to attend meetings or give presentions from time to time. Other applications will be considered on a case by case basis – contact the futures hub at