What we offer
Futures workshops and roundtables
Identify and explore key trends, weak signals, and possible shocks for your organisation, to identify risks, develop strategy and test planning, using our proven Futures Hub methodologies
Tabletop exercises, crisis simulations and wargames
Structured, tailored activities to help teams and leaders explore key risks, trade-offs, decision points and decision requirements, and test organisational processes and assumptions. Sensitive activities can be held at our secure facility, or your venue.
Foresight advice
Tailored, relevant advice and assistance to government foresight practitioners and agencies establishing a foresight capability, based on our deep experience with government foresight and our network of experts.
Reports and research
Researching future-focused topics for government, experimenting with novel approaches to foresight, connecting agencies with leading academic researchers and facilitating collaboration on complex policy problems.
Tailored training programs
In addition to our public courses, we provide training to organisations on foresight, structured analysis and problem-solving – at your venue or ours, or online.
NSC Futures Hub is not-for-profit and our charges are calculated on a cost-recovery basis.