Future universities: value for changing societies

University students in class
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Focus questions

  • What trends and drivers will shape the operating context for Australian universities – particularly research-intensive universities – over the next decade?
  • How can Australian universities ensure ongoing success and deliver increasing societal value?


We used two analytic techniques:

  • Delphi method: we surveyed a broad range of experts across university and policy communities to identify trends and drivers.
  • Scenario testing: we used these trends and drivers to develop scenarios, and tested how these would impact universities with current university workers – from early career to senior management.

About the series

Future Insights Papers are designed to help policymakers develop and test futures scenarios, conduct horizon scanning, and integrate futures analysis into their work. They are intended to present provocative conversation-starters and arguable propositions, not definitive trend lists or predictions. Every paper in the series is informed by consultation, and reviewed by experts.
