Australia’s national security agencies operate under a complex set of laws. It is essential that those who work in the sector can navigate through the complexity.

This two-day program, co-designed with the ANU College of Law, is primarily aimed at non-lawyers and provides an introduction to reading and using relevant legislation, how the Constitution affects national security laws, the role of international law and the ways our national security laws are made, amended and overseen.

The program is particularly useful for those working in legal policy, governance and oversight roles as well as operational staff who need to understand the frameworks that underpin legal authorities such as warrants and authorisations.

Professional development program: for more details or to enrol please email

Professional development




National Security College, #132 Crawford Building, 1 Lennox Crossing, ANU


Cost per person (ex-GST): $2,250 for PAC agencies; $2,700 for all others

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