In a 24-hour media cycle disrupted by influencers, online commentators and individuals with mobile phones, public opinion is being shaped at lightning speed. Consequences can include perceptions of bias, misinformation, ‘weaponised’ information and ‘post-truth’ behaviour.

In a 24-hour media cycle disrupted by influencers, online commentators and individuals with mobile phones, public opinion is being shaped at lightning speed. Consequences can include perceptions of bias, misinformation, ‘weaponised’ information and ‘post-truth’ behaviour. In this environment, what is Australia’s national security narrative and how does the public perceive national security? How can the public sector effectively and accurately help government shape public opinion while maintaining space for dissenting opinions? And how does it develop and maintain social license while balancing public interest with national [security] interest and the need to know?

Participants are required to hold a minimum NV1 security clearance

Professional development program: for more details or to enrol please email

Professional development




National Security College


Per person (ex-GST): $2,250 for ‘Participating Agencies’; $2,700 for all others