Towards the Quad Quantum Network Initiative

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In this publication, Takahiro Tsuchiya talks about the quantum internet and quantum computing and how the Quad countries should prioritise the development of game-changing technologies and the Quantum Processing Units necessary for developing Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing and quantum networking (quantum internet).

Key points

  • Quantum computing and the quantum internet will become fundamental technologies and sources of national power in terms of computational resources and information security.
  • The priority for Quad countries should be the development Quantum Processing Units (QPU) that are necessary for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing (FTQC) and, over time, a network of quantum computers.
  • The challenge for the Quad is to develop a quantum network that covers vaster distances than China’s quantum network.

Policy recommendations

  • Quad countries must break away from the era of small teams working separately on a country-by-country basis to advance quantum computing research, development, and industrial application.
  • Rather than focusing only on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), Quad countries should prioritise the development of game-changing technology: the QPUs necessary for developing FTQC and quantum networking (quantum internet).
  • A Quad Quantum Network Initiative should be launched to promote the unification and harmonisation of international standards for quantum communication technologies, including cryptography and security protocols.

About the series

This paper has been written for the Quad Tech Network Dialogue, as part of the Quad Tech Network (QTN) initiative. QTN is an initiative of the NSC, delivered with support from the Australian Government. It aims to establish and deepen academic and official networks linking the Quad nations – Australia, India, Japan, and the United States – in relation to the most pressing technology issues affecting the future security and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific.
