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The ANU National Security College (NSC) has a proven track record of delivering highly successful capacity-building programs for the Australian Government on a range of security issues relevant to the Indo-Pacific.

Independent and impactful

We are Australia's leader in national security education. As a joint initiative between the Commonwealth Government and the ANU, NSC is unique, serving as a meeting place for policy, academia, industry and the wider community to learn about the security challenges shaping our region. We are experts in executive and professional development, creating enduring impacts with our audience.

Group of IBC course participants standing for photo
Map with pins and string

Our collaborative approach

We understand that tailoring solutions to customers' needs is a key aspect of providing valuable and impactful program outcomes. We are more than a group of educators, we are a collaborative force. Our extensive network spans government, academia, industry and civil society, allowing us to integrate diverse perspectives and insights into our educational programs.

We couple these relationships with an engaging curriculum design and interactive learning modalities to enhance the learning experience and tailor it to the specific country's context.

Co-design a bespoke international program

We can customise our existing courses or work with you to develop new programs that meet your
organisation’s needs. These programs can be delivered overseas, at your organisation, at NSC, or at other locations in Australia. For further information, please contact us at

"It was an incredible experience. The bootcamp was well structured and provided a comprehensive overview of the subject matter. The instructors were knowledgeable and engaging, making the learning experience enjoyable and productive. One of the things I appreciated most about the bootcamp was the hands-on arroach to learning. We were given the opportunity to practice what we learned in real-world scenarios, which helped to solidify our understanding of the material. The interactive exercises and group activities were also great for building camaraderie and enhancing collaboration skills. The experience was invaluable, and I left the bootcamp feeling well-prepared and confident in my abilities."

- Government officer, Indonesia Cyber Bootcamp 2022

"The program was wonderfully planned and implemented. The topics, experiences and exercises were all relevant, the knowledge will help me to take back to my country and contribute building a secure cyberspace. Thank you to the NSC for the excellent implementation, support and facilitation of the program."

- Senior government officials, Australia-India Cyber Bootcamp 2023

"The facilitators are very knowledgeable in the subject matter; they are also sensitive to the participants' need. Good job!"

- Philippines Cyber Workshop, 2023