Primary Landing Page
Motherboard with lit up wires
As part of the Quad Tech Network series, Sam Howell addresses the current race to build quantum computers.
Wires in a computer engine
As part of the Quad Tech Network series, Takahiro Tsuchiya addresses why Quad countries should prioritise the development of quantum internet and quantum computing.
Two people looking at a tablet screen
As part of the Quad Tech Network series, Prachi Mishra addresses the growing need for talent in quantum computing across academia, industry and government.
Scientist wearing a mask and gloves looks at petri dish
As part of the Quad Tech Network series, Alexander Titus addresses the significant role that synthetic biology can play in conservation efforts.
Pipette with liquid in glass beakers
As part of the Quad Tech Network series, Heigo Sato addresses the importance of including biosecurity when creating security policy.
Generative image of capsules. Image: Adobe Stock
As part of the Quad Tech Network series, Shravishtha Ajaykumar addresses why Quad members should establish data-sharing guidelines for biotechnology pursuits.

Policy Options Papers offer concise evidence-based recommendations for policymakers on essential national security issues. Papers in this series are peer-reviewed by a combination of expert practitioners and scholars.

Australian Parliament House
William Stoltz proposes reforms to Australia's national security institutions.
Alasdair Gordon suggests that Australia's intelligence and security community should deepen their partnership with the private sector.
Flags of Australia and Bangladesh
David Brewster outlines why Australia should develop its defence and security relationship with Bangladesh, and what steps it should take.
People throwing graduation caps in the air
Dirk van der Kley and Benjamin Herscovitch outline how Australia can protect its education exports from potential economic coercion from China.
Planet Earth from space
Cassandra Steer explores the important question of how Australia should approach the space domain in the years ahead, in pursuit of national interest objectives.
Test tubes and a scientist with gloves and a mask
Paul Harris explores the new world order Australian science finds itself within and outlines a new approach to advance the national interest.

Occasional Papers comprise peer-reviewed research and analysis concerning national security issues at the forefront of academic and policy inquiry. They are designed to stimulate public discourse and inform policy solutions.
