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Isabelle Bond and Dr James Mortensen argue that Antarctic climate science can enhance Australia's security and intelligence, beyond just military and diplomatic goals.
Image of Antarctica on a globe. Image: Adobe stock
In this paper, Isabelle Bond and James Mortensen outline why Antarctica is key to understanding global climate drivers.
Image of boats in a dock in Gujarat, India
In this paper, the authors put forward options for Australia, France and India trilateral cooperation in the India Ocean.
Zoomed in globe with lights
Philip Citowicki address why AUKUS should collaborate to bolster their space capabilities.
Parliament and Big Ben
In this Policy Options Paper, the authors put forward a case for why it increasingly makes sense for Australia, India and the United Kingdom to work together.
Journal of Peace Research cover
Dr Michael Cohen explores how power, interests, and threats shape military alliances, refining theories using archival data from Australia and the USA.

Policy Options Papers offer concise evidence-based recommendations for policymakers on essential national security issues. Papers in this series are peer-reviewed by a combination of expert practitioners and scholars.


Occasional Papers comprise peer-reviewed research and analysis concerning national security issues at the forefront of academic and policy inquiry. They are designed to stimulate public discourse and inform policy solutions.
