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About QTN

The QTN aims to establish and deepen academic and official networks linking the Quad nations – Australia, India, Japan, and the United States – in relation to the most pressing technology issues affecting the future security and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific.

The QTN was first funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, in two phases over 2020-2021. The third phase of the initiative is funded by the Department of Home Affairs, as the responsible Australian Government lead on the Quad Critical and Emerging Technology Working Group (CETWG).

While not an official Quad initiative, the QTN’s objectives have been calibrated to support the evolving objectives of the CETWG.

Participants at the 2023 QTN dialogue. Image: NSC
Image: NSC
QTN Partners logos
QTN Partners logos

Phases One and Two of the QTN comprised a series of research papers – the QTN Series – commissioned by the NSC from researchers, in each of the Quad countries – Australia, India, Japan, and the United States. These papers offered analysis and recommendations on shared challenges facing Australia and Indo-Pacific partners in the critical and emerging technology environment.

Building on the success of Phases One and Two, Phase Three saw a significant step-up in the QTN. In addition to expanding the number of commissioned research papers, the Phase Three of the QTN included an in-person Track 1.5 dialogue, held in Canberra in September 2023, and a dedicated biotechnology horizon-scanning paper.

Over the three phases of the QTN, research has been drawn from an array of international research institutions, including the Observer Research Foundation, Centre for a New American Security, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Keio University, Tokyo University, Pacific Forum, Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies, and Georgetown University’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology.


An address by the Hon Clare O’Neil MP (2023)

The Hon Clare O'Neil MP — Minister for Home Affairs and Cyber Security — delivered the keynote address at the ANU National Security College's Quad Tech Network dinner. The Minister discussed the upcoming 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy and the "transformative opportunity" the Quad offers in resolving some of Australia's biggest cyber security challenges through tech development and collaboration.

These papers were written for the Quad Tech Network (QTN) Dialogue, as part of the QTN initiative. They focus on establishing and deepening academic and official networks linking the Quad nations – Australia, India, Japan, and the United States – in relation to the most pressing technology issues affecting the future security and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific.

Quad countries highlighted in blue on world map
As part of the Quad Tech Network series, Dirk van der Kley suggests that biotechnology is a lucrative emerging technology that the Quad should invest in.
5G tower
As part of the Quad Tech Network series, Andreas Kuehn and Trisha Ray address why Quad countries should jointly manage risk and strengthen the resilience of 5G components.
Telecommunication towers with a lit up globe
As part of the Quad Tech Network series, Lisa Curtis and Martijn Rasser address why it is important for Quad countries to shape the telecommunications ecosystem in the Indo-Pacific.
As part of the Quad Tech Network series, Martijn Rasser addresses technological strategic competition in the Quad.
Art installation
Jolyon Ford and Damian Clifford address what an approach to human rights and the ethical governance of critical technologies could entail for Quad members.
Person walking through projected graphic designs
As part of the Quad Tech Network series, Kohei Takahashi, Tatsuo Ide, Ikuo Takahashi, Kazuo Tokito and Takahiro Sasaki address cyber, critical technology and national security.